How do I calculate Profit and Loss?
Your Profit and Loss are automatically calculated in your MT4 platform or using our Profit / Loss Calculator.
To manually calculate your Profit or Loss, you can use the following formula:
Long= (Number of Lots * Notional Value of Lot) * (Close Price – Open price) * Account Currency Exchange Rate (Only if the account currency is different from the denominated currency of the product)
Short = (Units * Price of product) / Leverage Factor] *Account currency exchange rate
Use the following information as an example:
Account Base currency: | AUD |
Position | BUY |
Trading instrument: | USDCHF |
Open Price: | 0.95666 |
Close Price: | 0.96543 |
Trade Size (Lots) | 3.5 |
In this case the AUDCHF rate: 0.6327
(3.5 * 100,000 USD)*(0.96543 CHF per USD-0.95666 CHF per USD) = 3069.5 CHF
Prices at time of calculation
Converting to account currency:
3069.5 CHF / 0.63276 CHF per AUD = 4850 AUD
Prices at time of calculation
How do I calculate my Forex margin requirement?
To determine the margin required to open a trading position, as well as the Profit/Loss Calculator, please refer to our Calculator.
Please consult our What is Margin? article for guidance on margin calculation requirements.