What is the difference between cryptoassets and cryptocurrency CFDs?
Cryptoassets | Cryptocurrency CFDs |
Investing in a crypto asset means taking ownership of a portion of the asset e.g., you could buy some Bitcoin and store it in a digital wallet.
The only way to make a profit by investing directly in crypto assets is when the price has gone up, relative to the price you paid, at the time when you want to sell. If the price had gone down below what you paid for it, you would make a loss (if you chose to sell at that time).
When you trade cryptocurrency CFDs, you do not invest directly in the product. Instead, you simply trade the real-time price movements in the open market. This means you have the potential to profit in any price direction. e.g., if you thought the price of Bitcoin was going to go up, you could place a trade in that direction. If the price did go up, you would make a profit. Conversely, if you thought the price of Bitcoin was going to go down, you could trade in that direction. If the price went down, you would profit. Please note: if the market price moves in the opposite direction to what the trader speculates, a loss will be incurred. |
Please note: Axi does not currently offer crypto asset trading services, including digital wallets. All cryptocurrency trading is done as CFDs through the MT4 trading platform and Axi Trading Platform app.