Axi Copy Trading
Find all the answers to your questions regarding the Axi Copy Trading app.
- Axi Copy Trading Troubleshooting
- Changing the size of the trade copied
- Copy Trading and Partnership
- Copy Trading Multi Account Feature
- Copying Signal Providers
- Everything else to know about Signal Providers
- Fees and Charges for Copy Trading
- How can I edit my profile information after creating an account?
- How do I link / unlink / switch my account?
- How to Edit and Stop Copying a Trader
- How to Open an Axi Copy Trading Account
- How to set up an Account as a Copier?
- Is the Axi Copy Trading app regulated?
- Leverage and Copy Trading
- Minimum amount required for copy trading
- Resetting the password of my Copy Trading Account
- Risk Settings associated with Copy Trading
- Signal Providers Fees
- Steps to become a signal provider
- Trading with the Axi Copy Trading app
- What is a signal provider and how can I copy one?
- What is Axi Copy Trading
- What is Fixed Size, Mirror Master Size, Proportional by Equity and Proportional by Balance?