MT4 Trading Report / History
MT4 trading report
If you have ongoing trades, you will receive a report every day. This is automatically generated by the system.
You will also receive a monthly report from the system, or you can download your monthly statement from your client Portal. In addition, you can also download a monthly statement from your client Portal.
View Trade History / Account Statement / Account History
To view the performance of your past trades, access the ‘Account History’ section on your MT4 platform using the following steps:
- Open the MT4 platform and log in
- From the main trading terminal, select the ‘Account History’ tab
- Right-click in the middle of the terminal and select ‘Custom period’
- Select the start and finish date for the period you are looking at, then press ‘OK’.
- The history from the period selected will then fill the ‘Account History’ section
- Right-click again and select ‘Save Report’. This will then create an HTML statement which can then be converted to a PDF by printing to a PDF writer
Downloading Quote History
- In the MT4 terminal, click ‘Tools’ then 'History Center’
- Select the relevant currency pair from the symbols list
- Select the timeframe you want to download
- Once the timeframe is highlighted, click the ‘Download’ button and a message will display allowing you to download the history