Fees and Charges for Copy Trading
Performance Fees
Please Note: There are no commissions placed on your trades.
There are no commissions placed on trades you copy, but you may pay a signal provider a performance fee on profits made.
You may, but not in all cases, enter an agreement with the signal provider to pay them a performance fee. This will be made clear as and when you copy or follow any trader within the Axi Copy Trading app.
A performance fee is a fee charged to an account that relates to the performance of the copier. For example, if you are copying a signal that is charging a 30% fee and you make a profit of USD $100, your account will be charged USD $30.
How to see fees in the MT4
Fees will be deducted from your account monthly, usually after the first week of the month. On your MT4 records, the fees will be displayed as a combined amount. Axi will be provided with the amount to be deducted for both performance and subscription fees.