Key Information About Axi
Axi history
Axi was founded in 2007 in Sydney, Australia. This was followed by our London branch in 2012, Chinese operations in 2015, and then expansion into Germany, Latin America, and the Middle East in 2016.
For a more detailed timeline, including major milestones and acquisitions, please refer to the About Us page on our website.
Is Axi a dealing-desk or non-dealing desk broker?
Axi is a non-dealing desk broker and we do not make our own prices. Our pricing comes from liquidity providers.
Axi liquidity providers
Axi has been in business since 2007 and during that time we have built relationships with a selection of top-tier liquidity providers, including major banks and other financial institutions. These are pooled to offer the best spreads to our traders.
Where are Axi trading servers located?
All Axi servers are located in New York and are hosted by Equinix in the NY4 Data Centre.