Wie berechnete ich die erforderliche Margin, um Gold, Silber, Platin und Palladium zu traden?
Below are some examples explaining the formula for calculating the amount of margin required for trading precious metals: Gold (USD) - XAUUSD Silber (USD) - XAGUSD Platin (USD) - XPTUSD Palladium (USD) - XPDUSD Positionsgröße: 1 Standard-Lot 1 Standard-Lot 1 Standard-Lot 1 Standard-Lot Kontohebel von: 1:100 1:100 1:100 1:100 Preis: $1,244.250 $15.835 $982.006 $596.601 Erforderliche Margin: 1% 1% 1% 1% Gesamtunzen pro Kontrakt: 100 100 100 100 Gesamtinvestition: = 15.853 * 5000 = $79,265.00 = 15.835 * 5000 = $79,175.00 = $982.006 * 100 = $98,200.60 = $596.601 * 100 = $59,660.10 Ederliche Margin: = 1% * $124,425.00 = $1,244.25 = 1% * $79,265.00 = $791.75 = 1% * 98,200.60 = $982.01 = 1% * 59,660.10 = $596.60 Erforderliche Margin: @ 1:400 (gewählter Hebel) = $311.06 @ 1:400 (gewählter Hebel) = 791.75 * 0.25 = $197.93 @ 1:400 (gewählter Hebel) = 982.01 * 0.25 = $245.50 @ 1:400 (gewählter Hebel) = 596.60 * 0.25 = $149.15